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Reactive social media ideas, created throughout the years.
Concept providing & content providing

Quick - Burger King Reply

What Happened? 

In June 2022, Burger King launched a social media and poster campaign to celebrate its 5th anniversary. In this communication, Burger King invited Quick, KFC and McDonalds in Belgium to their birthday party to celebrate together.

What we did:

We took them at their word. On June 29, we went to a Burger King in the central of Brussels for Burger King's birthday party... Or let's say: to claim our free Whoppers. The hidden camera revealed Burger King's employees were slightly surprised, still giving away the free woppers.

Happy birthday! 


BRU® - 21st of July

What we did:

On our national holiday, everything is about being thoroughly Belgian. That's why on July 21 we launched the Brubançonne, where the Belgian national anthem echoes in BRU®-filled glasses straight from our Belgian source. This focused on the local aspect of BRU® and that our national holiday is the perfect day to eat local... and drink local. The campaign ran throughout the day on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube and had 3.2 million impressions on its counter.


Quick - De Mol


As a proud sponsor of the television show "The Mole," we launched a social media post that at its base seemed to be an innocent advertisement where the mole (a character whose face we don't see) settles into his/her living room to watch "The Mole" on television.

What we did:

However, we subtly hid hints in the background with references to the previous week's episode. This triggered a huge target audience of people craving to decipher hints and discover the mole. The social post was massively shared on online forums and expertly dissected by these "mole hunters. The video was viewed 9x more than an average video, and paused 10x as much. The hints led to 1 person, a pure guess from us.

The second social post revealed the 'only real' hint: a reference to our pause button with QR code to score a free Giant. Because the hints not only referred to 1 person from The Mole, but also contained hints to the pause button. (Nice sidenote: the pure guess we initially made, turned out to really be De Mol).


Quick - 21 july Défilivery


In honor of Quick's 50th anniversary, we went in search of the very biggest Quick fan. Through social media, we launched a post where anyone could nominate the biggest fan and argue why that person deserves that title!

What we did:

Julia nominated her sister Margaux, who makes weekly visits to the Quick, has her own Quick Instagram highlight and also belts her Quickske every time she drives away from the drive-in. Talk about dedication.  

On July 21 and with the help of Julia, we provided Margaux with the Quick experience of a lifetime: a unique Quick delivery to her home by Julia herself, festively supported by the local brass band, some acrobats and another surprise high in the sky...


(This idea is proactive, still under construction)


Breast cancer is the most common cancer in Belgium. Unfortunately, breast self-examinations are still too irregularly done. Young women especially are less aware of the value of this self-check and forget that they should do it on a frequent basis (1 time per month).


Regularly checking your own breasts is a small effort and very important. Also, checking your breasts is easy, just as easy as checking your Instagram stories.


We are creating an account on Instagram that women can follow. Once a month we place a self-check reminder in our Stories. This way these women simply see a reminder when they are checking their stories. The Story refers to a video that explains how to best do a self-check.


For Breast cancer awareness month, we launch Instamammogram, an Instagram account where we post easy step-by-step videos of how to do a self-check. Once a month we post a self-check reminder on Instagram Stories between 9 PM and 11 PM, a moment lots of people are likely to sit in their couch and scroll around Instagram. In other words: the best moment to quickly grab a boob to do a self-check.


Women will get their reminder on a platform they are used to use, in a moment where it’s easy to combine doing a self-check, while checking stories.


Lidl Belgium - back to school

What we did:

As part of Lidl’s Back to School campaign, we wanted to put our bread in the spotlight. Inspired by the insight that children often leave the crusts of their bread untouched, we created a fun and engaging video where kids get to be the ultimate taste testers. Watch as they try Lidl's bread, including the crusts, and share their honest reactions.

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